The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the
To submit a public comment, or statewide district plan online, visit the CRC’s Public Redistricting Portal.
For in-person attendance at meetings:
In compliance with local requirements, the Citizen Redistricting Committee asks you to help keep our communities safe from COVID while participating in the public meeting at the NTU, by doing the following:
- Wear your mask and present proof of vaccination at the main entrance of the campus — without a mask and proof of vaccination, you won’t be allowed on campus
- Maintain social distance of at least six feet from others
- Be patient with a limitation of only 20 people in the meeting room at one time — but be assured if you attend and want to share your thoughts and perspective with the Citizen Redistricting Committee, you will have the opportunity! Wait in your vehicle to be called upon, the campus radio station will be broadcasting the session live
- Adults only please — though youth and children who are interested in the process are encouraged to join the meeting by video via Zoom
To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below:
Agenda & Meeting Materials:
Please click this URL to join:
Webinar ID: 835 5053 9072
No Password
Dial-in Numbers:
+13462487799,,83550539072# US (Houston)
+16699009128,,83550539072# US (San Jose)