CRC Meeting (Silver City – Satellite)

Western New Mexico University, Global Resource Center Auditorium 1000 W College Ave, Silver City, New Mexico

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Monday, October 4, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted. This meeting is a […]

CRC Closed Meeting (Attorney Client Privilege)

Roswell Museum and Art Center (Bassett Auditorium) 1011 N Richardson Ave, Roswell, New Mexico

This posting serves as notice for the Citizen Redistricting Committee's closed meeting on October 5, 2021 to discuss legal matters. View notice of closed meeting and agenda:     

CRC Meeting (Portales – Satellite)

Eastern New Mexico University, Campus Union Building, Room: Zia 1500 S Avenue K, Portales, New Mexico

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted. This meeting is a […]

Citizen Redistricting Committee Meeting (Roswell)

Roswell Museum and Art Center (Bassett Auditorium) 1011 N Richardson Ave, Roswell, New Mexico

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted. Satellite locations that […]

Citizen Redistricting Committee Meeting (ABQ – Indian Pueblo Cultural Center)

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Room Chaco 2 2401 12th St NW, Albuquerque, NM, United States

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Thursday, October 7, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted. Satellite locations that will be broadcasting […]

CRC Meeting (Gallup – Satellite)

University of New Mexico Gallup Campus, Calvin Hall Auditorium, Room 248 425 N 7th St, Gallup, New Mexico

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Friday, October 8, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted. This meeting is a […]

Citizen Redistricting Committee Meeting (Farmington)

San Juan College, Henderson Fine Arts Building, Room 9008 4601 College Blvd, Farmington, New Mexico

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Friday, October 8, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted. Satellite locations that […]

CRC Educational Meeting

Virtually Via Zoom ALBUQUERQUE, NM, United States

This meeting will allow staff of the Princeton Gerrymandering Project to provide educational programming on the redistricting process following the CRC's submission of maps to the legislature. Click here to view the agenda:  Please click this URL to join: Webinar ID: 835 5053 9072 Dial-in number: (346) 248-7799  

CRC Meeting – Adoption of Maps to be Recommended to Legislature (Recess Continuation)

Virtually Via Zoom ALBUQUERQUE, NM, United States

***THE COMMITTEE WILL RESUME THE MEETING THAT RECESSED UNTIL 3PM ON WEDNESDAY, Oct 20, 2021 (SEE BELOW)*** On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, during its meeting to adopt district plans to be recommended to the legislature, the Citizen Redistricting Committee recessed until Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 3pm until adjourned.  To attend the meeting virtually, please […]

CRC Meeting – Adoption of Maps to be Recommended to Legislature (Recess Continuation)

Virtually Via Zoom ALBUQUERQUE, NM, United States

***THE COMMITTEE WILL RESUME THE MEETING THAT RECESSED UNTIL 3PM ON WEDNESDAY, Oct 20, 2021 (SEE BELOW)*** On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, during its meeting to adopt district plans to be recommended to the legislature, the Citizen Redistricting Committee recessed until Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 3pm until adjourned.  To attend the meeting virtually, please […]